Course Curriculum


& More Info


    There are approximately 4 hours of video in this course. This is a streamlined curriculum compressed into a succinct format, because we value your time. This content has been developed over 30 years with the input of professional tobacconists and cigar makers. It is not biased, exaggerated or influenced by advertisers, manufacturers or any other uncredible sources. We want you to beware of the information you get on the internet and from other biased sources who have alternate motives and unsubstantiated information.


    While this course is named CIGARS 101, it is far more than that: it is a comprehensive and focused education that could take years to get by other means. This curriculum is more like an intermediate to expert level course with broad and deep academic content. Furthermore, the exams placed throughout the lessons are meant to measure your knowledge, not stroke your ego. Our exam standards require a 90% to pass: just like our professional degrees at Tobacconist University. When you finish this course you will be truly enriched and amongst the most educated consumers in the world.


    If you are looking for a simple and easy primer on cigars, the lessons offered by this course may not be for you. But, if you want the best fundamental premium cigar education available, this program is what you need. We encourage you to use the resources and education provided in CIGARS 101 to fact check the information you get on the web, from your local cigar salespeople and elsewhere. This program is for serious aficionados who want to rise above industry propaganda and learn real truths.